10 Do's And Dont's For Promoting Your Blog On Social Media

By Paul Crowe Sunday, May 25, 2014
do's and dont's We recently published The Bloggers Essential Guide To Social Media and explained how Social Networks can be one of your main weapons in promoting your blog.But simply creating profiles and pages on your preferred social sites is not enough.To be successful in your social endeavours you need to be clever and the clue is in the title You Need To Be Social.

So much rubbish has been poured out by the so called Social Media Gurus about Social Media Marketing.I have even seen these people on news channels trying to sell themselves and the idea of Social Media Professionals.But by following some simple steps you can make the most of and get the most from Social Networks when it comes to promoting your blog.

5 Do's Of Social Media

1} Do use a Facebook Page For Your Blog - Couple of things here firstly there are heading to 1.5 Billion people on Facebook so it would be stupid not to tap into that ocean of potential blog traffic.Secondly I see many people connect their Facebook profiles with their blog this is a big Don't.Facebook pages are free, easy to set up and and perfect for Bloggers to promote their blogs.

2} Do complete your page set up - It's vital your social profiles and pages are completely set up.On Facebook and Twitter you have the option to use a cover photo along with a profile picture so do it.Make sure these are the right size and represent you and your blog (You can search Google for the best sizes to use for these images).Fill in the description, it makes sense to have the description for your social profiles the same as your blogs description.

3} Do Invite Your Friends But Not Before Their Is Something For Them To See - All social networks offer options for you to connect with friends already members and invite friends.On Facebook when you create your blogs Like Page you can invite your Facebook friends to Like the page.I highly recommend inviting your friends to like and follow your blog but wait until you have some content up.If it's Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or any of the others share some stuff so when you do invite your friends they have something to look at.I have often been invited to a Facebook page just to arrive and as in number 1 above the page is not set up even worse there is nothing posted, I won't be going back.

4} It's Not All About You - Social Media can be in many ways similar to real life Social gatherings.If you out with friends and all you talk about is your self they will one by one excuse themselves and get outta there.Yes you need to share your content always do but it can't be all about self promotion.Share other content you think your followers will appreciate, posts from other blogs, images and videos.Ask questions, reply to comments make your social profiles social.

5} Don't Auto Share Your Content - I have to admit I have been guilty of this.There are a lot of services available that allow you to auto post to your Facebook page, Tweet or +1 your content.While this is time saving it takes away the human aspect.I hate to keep using the same point but people are expecting social interaction on a social network not a robot auto posting.When you do share your latest blog posts make sure to add some text to entice your followers to click in for a read.

Social Media Bandwagon

5 Dont's Of Social Media

1} Don't Forget To Promote Your Social Networks On Your Blog - All top blogs have what I call a "Stay Connected" section usually positioned at the top of the sidebar.The Stay Connected section will generally have Icons linking to the blogs feeds and social networks.You want this at the top of the sidebar so it's "Above The Fold" were visitors can see the icons as soon as they land on your blog.Many blogs will also add a Stay Connected section below the blog posts, this is a fantastic Idea as when a visitor finished reading a post and thinking what to do next you are offering them that option.

2} Don't Make It Hard For People To Share Your Blog - You want people to share you posts right ? Well then make it as easy as humanly possible for them to do just that.Once again when you look at the big blogs they have sharing buttons placed on all posts.The main areas for sharing buttons are at the top and bottom of posts while some have fixed share buttons attached to the side of posts.

3} Don't Only Use The Big Two Facebook And Twitter - In our essential guide to social media we listed many social networks but many people tend to only use the big two.However there are hundreds of social networks and while some may have a larger user base than others many may have the niche following for your niche blog.Check out what social networks the top blogs like yours are using, they will have done the research and you can learn from that.

4} Don't Spam - This can include on your profiles and pages and on others.On my Facebook pages I often see people comment asking for people to like their page.Indeed in popular Facebook groups and pages you are sure to find spam comments looking for likes.This looks cheap and unprofessional and that is not how you are looking to portray your blog.On your own page you will want to share your posts (While keeping the number 4 Do above in mind) but don't share spam affiliate links or anything not related.

5} Don't Be afraid To Experiment - Finally have an open mind and try different things, for example from the points above.Try different social networks, try different positions for your share buttons and stay connected icons, try sharing your posts at different time Facebook for example allow you to schedule posts on your page.Find what works best for you and your audience.

Social media is not hard and defiantly not as hard as some of the so called Gurus will tell you but you do need to help it help you and above all you need to be social ! What points would you agree or disagree with ? What social media advice would you give our readers ? We always welcome your comments.
Paul Crowe

I'm the owner and main author here on Brighter Blogs.I've been a full time Blogger and Web designer for over eight years.I have worked on thousands of projects and blogs over the years and I bring this information to you here on BB.Making every tutorial easy to follow for bloggers of all levels.

2 comments to ''10 Do's And Dont's For Promoting Your Blog On Social Media"

  1. Like this blog post from you it help me with my blog on Facebook.


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